Instructions for Accessing the Documents in this Packet:

(a) Click on each of the highlighted headings to get to the appropriate documents. 
(b) Make sure that you see the entire document on your screen (by scrolling through the whole document from beginning to end) before you click on the print button. This will ensure that you print all pages of a document. 
(c) Advice: do not use your home computer to print these documents; use the computers in school. 
(d) Thoroughly read and digest all parts of this packet (you may be tested on them!).

Educational Success Readings Packet

While some of this information may appear not to be  related to the content of this course--it is part of what is called the hidden curriculum (the teaching of executive function skills, which is also the unstated requirement of Gen Ed classes). As the syllabus mentions, I consider it my responsibility as a teacher to encourage you to learn these important skills, as well as introduce you to information that can help you succeed in achieving your educational goals.

A. The Declining Quality of Undergraduate Education (a news article)

B. What is a Research University? (Extract from a report by the Boyer Commission).

C. When Students' Conceptual Grasp Clashes with their Professors' (an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education).

D. Procrastination (an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education)

D(a). Bad Habits and Procrastination

D(b). How to Beat Procrastination

E. Lying

F. Arrogance and the Absence of Manners/ Why the Stupid Say they are Smart

F(a). Stupidity: An Educational Challenge

F(b). Take the Intellectual Humility Assessment Test

F(c) Why People Love to Hate You
G. Incivility in the Classroom Breeds 'Education Lite' (an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education)

G(a) Proper greetings format when sending e-mails and letters

H. The Dangers of Multitasking

H(a). Music and Learning

I. Learning involves struggle.

J. Self-discipline

J(a). Grades Do Matter (but not only for reasons you think)

J(b). Ten Proven Ways to Learn Faster 

K. The Brain in Young Adults: A Second Chance

L. Sleep and health

L(a). Fall asleep in two minutes? 

M. Money versus Passion: Choosing the Right Major

N. The Ignorantsia, the Brain, and Stupidity (multiple readings)

O. Cell Phone Use and Academic Performance

O(a). Electronic Devices in the Classroom and Grades 

O(b). Cellphones and Cancer (audio)

P.  Visual Literacy

Q.  Requesting Letters of Recommendation 

Q(a) Professional Written Communication Skills

R.  Faculty Workload/Tenure Application--PDF version. (Note: Same version of this document but alternative format is available

S. Writing Researching/Term Papers: A Brief Guide