AAS 355 Online Class Readings
Instructions for accessing the articles in this packet

1. Click on each of the highlighted headings below to get to the appropriate documents. When you are through with a document click on your browser's navigational "back" button, located at the very top of your screen on the menu bar, to get back to this page.
2. Make sure that you see the entire document on your screen (by scrolling through the whole document from beginning to end) before you click on the print button. This will ensure that you print all pages of a document.
3. Advice: do not use your home computer to print these documents; use the computers in school.

1. Only some readings below are applicable to this semester's class. Check your syllabus or the announcements section of the class home page to determine which ones. 
2. Many of these documents are PDF documents with two pages of originals on one page. Therefore, when your print options window comes up look for the the "print scaling" option in the page handling area and in the drop down menu choose "fit to printable area" (if "none" appears in the menu box). See the screenshot of the print options window below.

Course Glossary

Reading 1--Conclusion--Bonilla (source) 16

Reading 2--Basic Concepts--Race--Feagan (source) 22

Reading 3--Tools of Dominance--Marger (source) 28

Reading 4--Race/Children--Levy 10

Reading 5--Aversive--Dovidio 2

Reading 6--Whiteness--Ignatiev (source: delga/stefan) 7

Reading 7--Comparing Race/Gender (source: delga/stefan) 7

Reading 8--Whiteness--Cinema--Vera (source) 6

Reading 9--Whiteness--Students (source) 9

Reading 10--Critical Race Theory--Definition--Blackwell 3

Reading 11--Whiteness--Music--Yous 26

Reading 12--After We're Gone--Bell (delga/stefan) 7

Reading 13--Whiteness--economic costs-Bell (delga/stefan) 5

Reading 14--Chap 2--Wint--(source) 20

Reading 15--Chap 3--Wint (source) 20

Reading 16--Columb-Crus--Race (self) 10

Reading 17--Class--Definition (Blackwell) 7

Reading 18--Sacks--class--review (source) 3

Reading 19--stratification--concepts--grusky (source) 27

Reading 20--economics of race--reich (source) 6

Reading 21--chap 5--critique of wilson (source) 28

Reading 22--chap 6--critique of wilson (source) 33

Reading 23--teaching--class 7

Reading 24--lionhearts--class--lapham 3

Reading 25--race--misdiagnosis (self) 5

Reading 26--class--race--gender--barone 11

Reading 27--income tax form 1

Reading 28-- (source)

Reading 29--review--capitalism--new middleclass (self) 2

Reading 30--disablement--prison--race--class 6

Reading 31--CBO data--inequality--shapiro-friedman 6

Reading 32--tax dollars--budget 2

Reading 33--chinese workers--tribune--tofani 29

Reading 34--conceptualization--race--morning 21

Reading 35--red-blue--Obama--Hanes, et. al 6

Reading 36--urban archipelago 8

Reading 37--Chap 4--repub--fear--race-class-delgado (source) 26

Reading 38--Cosby--race--agency 1

Reading 39--class--Gates--Buffet--philanth 5

Reading 40--not wasp--class--novak (source) 6

Reading 41-- (source)

Reading 42--cell blocks or classrooms 14

Reading 43--constructing race--whiteness--buck (source) 19

Reading 44--patriarchy--johnson (source) 8

Reading 45--spirit-inequality-review (source) 8

  A sample screenshot of the print options window when printing a PDF file.