The following is a
blank (reformatted) annual report that a faculty member has to file at
the end of each academic year. The purpose of presenting it here is to
provide you with some inkling of what the duties of a faculty member are
in a research university, such as U.B. Too often there is the mistaken
assumption by students (and the public at large) that teachers here at
U.B. don't do anything else, but teach.
Annual Report -
Name ______________________________________
Department __________________________________
Rank _______________________________________
I. Teaching
A. Courses Taught
B. Graduate
Student Supervision
1. Number of PhD committee assignments ________
2. Number of PhD committees chaired ________
3. Number of Masters committee assignments ________
4. Number of Masters committees chaired ________
C. New Courses
Developed/Major Course Revisions [List by title, and briefly describe
course added, or nature of course revision. Also describe type of course
-- e.g., lecture, seminar -- and indicate 1998-99 enrollment.]
D. New Teaching
Materials Prepared [Briefly describe new materials, title of course.]
E. New Teaching
Techniques or Technologies Introduced [Briefly describe and list title(s)
of course(s).]
F. Meetings,
conferences, courses, or seminars attended primarily to improve teaching
techniques or substantive
knowledge for courses taught.
II. Research and
creative activity
A. Publications
since 19... annual report [List only items actually published. Include
author, title, journal, publisher, date, page length.]
1. Books/monographs
2. Book chapters
3. Articles in scholarly journals
a. Reviewed or refereed articles
b. Other
4. Book reviews
5. Other publications
B. Grants
Received [List source, beginning and ending date, amount, description
of project.]
C. Grant
Applications Submitted [Funding agency, date submitted, amount, brief
description of project.]
D. Papers
Presented [List title, audience, location, date.]
1. Invited papers
2. Other papers (contributed)
E. Lectures
[List title, audience, location, date.]
F. Inventions
and Patent Disclosures
G. Other
Creative Activities [Provide a brief description for each activity
reported including dates, location, and any outside sponsorship.]
H. Journals
Edited [List names of journal, editorial title.]
III. Honors and
awards received since 19... annual report
[List separately each
item, and briefly describe the reason for the award, if that is not apparent
from the title of the award.]
IV. Professional
Organization Activities During 19....
A. Elected offices
[List title, organization, and length of service.]
B. Other service
[Describe service, name of organization, and length of service.]
V. Service during
A. Departmental
1. Committees chaired
a. standing
b. ad hoc
2. Committee memberships
a. standing
b. ad hoc
3. Special projects [Briefly describe each entry.]
4. Administrative assignments [Briefly describe, e.g., Director of Graduate
B. University
service during 19...
1. Faculty Senate (activities, committees, projects, etc.)
a. officer
b. standing committee
(1) chair
(2) member
c. ad hoc committee
(l) chair
(2) member
d. special projects [Describe each, and nature of service.}
2. Presidential/Vice Presidential committees, task groups, etc. [Briefly
describe each entry.]
3. University administrative assignments [Briefly describe each entry.]
4. Other [Briefly describe each entry.]
C. Public
Service during 19...
1. Research [Describe studies, theoretical or applied, designed to address
community, cultural, economic or social needs/issues in the region or the
2. Teaching [List any practica, studios, classes, clinics, internships
or other teaching programs that are designed to address the issues described
under item #1 above.]
3. Public Service Projects and Activities [Describe projects and activities,
including technical assistance and consulting services, that address the
issues described in item #1 above.]
4. Other Public Service [Describe any direct volunteer service to the community
such as boards, memberships, workshops, seminars, or lectures with community
agencies or organizations.]
VI. Plans for 19...
A. Teaching
B. Research
and Creative Activity
C. Public
Service Projects and Activities
VII. Other Matters
You Wish to Report to the Chair, Dean or Provost