(read this first)

Folks, People, Guys:

When you are assigned any homework in this course that requires you to go online (meaning the internet), then this is the place to come to first. This is a depository for materials for all courses we teach. However, only assigned readings and AV materials from this depository are applicable to this semester's class! So, please don't panic! Check the syllabus packet and/or the announcements section of the class home page to determine what materials have been assigned from this depository. It is your responsibility to explore all the pages here so that you will know exactly where the different materials are located.

By the way, have you ever heard of Khan Academy? If not, then click on the link below and explore that site to see if they have any video lessons that can be of help to you in this course, as well as in your other courses. They have hundreds upon hundreds of video lessons on a range of academic subjects--from calculus to history. Yes. Their lessons are 100% free to access. So, what is there not to like (assuming you came here to learn and succeed)? Also check out the knowledge engine by WolframAlpha (click on the link below), and Crash Course (click on the link below).
    PART A (Readings / Class Films List)

    PART B (Course Glossary)

    PART C (Select Chronology of U.S. History)

    PART D (Visual Text-I: Videos)

    PART E (AV Material: Audio)

    PART F (AV Material: Music Audio/Video)

    PART G-1 (Links to Textual Material)

     PART G-2 (Links to Audio-Visual Material)

    PART H (Visual Texts II: Maps/Pictures/Diagrams)
     PART I (My Donations)

    PART J (External Web Links)

    PART K (Slide Images)

    PART L (Instructor's Notes)

    PART M (Homework--Film Class)

     PART N (Miscellaneous Materials)

    PART O (Sources of Course Content)